Firewise USA
Our location in Bend, Oregon is enviably close to recreational opportunities in nearby forest lands. However, this location also comes with some responsibility. We are incorporating many wildfire mitigation measures into the development of Discovery West. The nature of the development uses the transect concept (where density decreases and there is more separation between homes as you proceed west toward the wildland urban interface).
The neighborhood guidelines also outline specific requirements for homes in Discovery West that help with fire mitigation, including greater side setbacks, use of fire-resistant construction materials, fire resistant landscaping materials and spacing between trees to reduce the risk of damage from wildfire. For more information on these measures, please watch our video below. Compliance with mitigation measures are managed by the Discovery West Home Owners Association (HOA).
Discovery West received designation as a Firewise Community in 2024. Firewise USA is a voluntary program developed by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) that provides a framework to help neighbors get organized and take action to increase the ignition resistance of their homes and community. The Firewise committee, composed of neighborhood residents, will provide ongoing education on wildfire prevention to community members.