There’s so much to discover in the ‘hood… including art! The sense of discovery through art can be rewarding, and we invite you to explore our first two art installations located on and under the new Skyline Ranch Road bridge.
There’s so much to discover in the ‘hood… including art! The sense of discovery through art can be rewarding, and we invite you to explore our first two art installations located on and under the new Skyline Ranch Road bridge.
In March 2022, a new sculpture by local artist Chris Cole was installed on park land in our neighborhood along the east side of Londonderry Place. The new public art pays homage to Annie Londonderry, the first woman to bicycle around the world in 1894 and 1895. The seven-foot tall, rusted steel, inverted pyramid design includes decorative bicycle cogs, ship window, an illuminated image of Annie and a descriptive plaque in English and Spanish. Curious visitors can get a “peek” into Annie’s life and history through a porthole that Chris likens to the viewfinder toys of his childhood. Learn more about Annie’s incredible adventures and the art she inspired by watching the video below.
Artist Rochelle Schueler of Wild Rose Artworks installed eight beautiful tile mosaic pinecones on the brand new Skyline Ranch Rd. bridge, which serves as the main entry into the neighborhood. This beautiful and lasting representation of our logo will be enjoyed by residents and visitors for years to come each time they travel across the bridge. Rochelle is working on art for the future Discovery Corner as well. Take a look at the video below to tour her home studio and learn more about this talented artist.
Local artist Douglas Robertson installed an impressive mural honoring our Women of Discovery on the retaining walls under the Skyline Ranch Road bridge. Doug’s unique use of intricately cut stencils, spray paint technique and playful color palette, will make this piece a gem to discover in the neighborhood for years to come. And lucky trail users may even learn a thing or two about some amazing women who have made history.