Woof, Woof! I’m Skipper the Discovery West Spokesdog! During May, Wildfire Preparedness Month, I’m sharing some important tips on how to keep your pets safe during an emergency.
Planning ahead for a potential evacuation can help you protect your animals and also first responders, who may risk their safety to save your pets. Here are some simple steps you can take now to get prepared.
Ensure your pet is easily identifiable. Household pets, including indoor cats, should wear collars with ID tags that have your mobile phone number. Microchipping your pets will also improve your chances of reunion should you become separated.
Use ‘animals inside’ door/window stickers to show rescue workers how many pets live there. (If you evacuate with your pets, quickly write “Evacuated” on the sticker so first responders don’t waste time searching for them.)
Establish a point person in your household, responsible for gathering up pets and bringing their supplies. Keep in mind that you may not be home when disaster strikes, so you might form a buddy system with neighbors with pets, or coordinate with a trusted pet sitter.
Prepare a pet evacuation kit. Items may include:
- Water, food, and medicine to last 3-10 days
- Water and food bowls, plus a can opener if packing wet food
- Litter supplies for cats
- Leashes and harnesses
- A pet first aid kit
- A sturdy carrier or crate for each pet. In addition to easing transport, these may serve as your pet’s most familiar or safe space in an unfamiliar environment.
- A favorite toy and/or blanket
Remember, if you need to evacuate, so do your pets. Plan ahead to make sure you can safely evacuate your entire household – furry members included!